About me

I am a sustainability expert, political scientist, facilitator, systemic coach, training partner of the German Sustainability Code (DNK), certified live and online trainer, design thinking trainer, facilitator, ex-entrepreneur. Born in 1976 in Germany, I now live in Bonn and Copenhagen with my German-Danish patchwork family.

The way I work is guided by the firm belief that everyone has a positive creative drive. When working with clients, this means supporting all team members to develop their potential. I use a systemic and facilitative approach. My diverse toolbox of methods, including coaching, facilitation and agile project management, helps me to open up creative spaces, change perspectives and, above all, awaken the joy of change. Flexibility is part of the basic equipment, without losing sight of the goals. The results of my work fit the people who do it, because they are always a crucial part of the solution.

If you are curious and want to know more, here is an excerpt from my CV:


Master of Arts in Politikwissenschaft, Romanistik, Völkerrecht
Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn, Deutschland

Strategisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
Eberwalde University for Sustainable Development


Systemischer Coach
IneKO Institut a.d. Universität zu Köln

2003    Master of Arts in Political Sience, Romance studies, international law

   Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn, Germany

2020    Strategic sustainability management

   Eberwalde University for Sustainable Development

2021    Organisational Development


2023    Systemic Coaching

   IneKO Institut at the University of Cologne, Germany

further education

  • Visual Facilitation, Bikablo (Bonn, 2022)
  • Theory U Basic, Presencing Institut (virtuell 2022)
  • Online Facilitation, Facilitation Academy Berlin (Online 2020)
  • Agent for Intentional Transformation, Eugenio Molina (Malmø 2020)
  • Master Class „Art of Hosting“, Mary Alice Arthur (Berlin 2019)
  • Certified Live-Online-Trainer, FCT Akademie (Online 2018)
  • Certified Design Thinking, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam (2018)
  • Moderationstraining an der Berliner Journalistenschule (2017)
  • Common Purpose Leadership Programme (2017)
  • Interactive large group methods, Federal Agency for Civic Education (2007)
  • Scenario Technique, LMU Munich, Institute for Applied Political Science (2005)
